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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

War on Christmas – to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday’s

Dear Friends in Christ; as we journey during this advent season towards the fast approaching Christmas. Let us understand the real meaning of Christmas, its not merely giving gifts, good will and best of wishes to friends/relatives or saying greetings such as "Happy Holidays" when you meet someone for the first time. My Friends, it is the Birthday of our Lord which is fast approaching. Christmas is the day the Creator of this world became flesh, lived with us to save us from final damnation. We must find the true meaning of Christmas which is the birth of our Lord King - Jesus Christ. Who came into to this world for a purpose, was born in humility in a manger, he did not have a fancy stroller, expensive clothing or special formula, baby food etc. Can you Imagine the creature of this world came into flesh and had nothing, not even a roof over his head, he was born in a stable (Cave), where animals were kept.

So, my dear friends keep Christ in Christmas; What I don't really understand that everyone wants to celebrate Christmas. Christmas has become so commercialize it’s utterly ridiculous, and not to mention I am guilty of over consumption and always looking for instant gratification. Our society has truly lost the meaning of Christmas. For example when you ask someone if they know about Jesus Christ who’s birth we celebrate this season, they immediate say they believe in god (which god), thee GOD or by saying you believe in god is some sort of deterrent you have created to avoid talking about religion, the existing of the one true GOD. Atheistic belief is at a rise, growing and flourishing, the GOD less delusion of this world. Having no belief in GOD is praised by this society, faithful are called fanatics.

Did you know there is a War on Christmas, it has been happening for years becoming more extreme each year. Back in time communalist tried getting rid of GOD, but failed. Anytime in history whenever people of this world have tried getting rid of GOD, the faith has become much stronger of the faithful. The evil-one is trying his best to rid GOD from this world. But, stand your ground confess and profess your faith, say Merry Christmas as you wish people at work, at the grocery store as you buy goodies for Christmas and when you shop for those presents at the Mall, greet everyone with a heartfelt and joyous "Merry Christmas". There is no need to be afraid, because our Lord is with us. Some of you reading this blog might have strong words for me, but my friends. If we cannot recognize and give respect and homage to our Lord, than for what purpose do we exist. He created you and we must give adoration to the Creator this Christmas, so be blessed and have a wonderful Christmas! - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!