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Friday, December 10, 2010

List of Catholic Books for Children:

List of a few Children’s Catholic Books you can find on Amazon (Used are really inexpensive, some you might find in pennies. Only the shipping will get you.) But, take it from me; it is an investment for their souls. If you want your Children to end up in Heaven, my dear friends take the time and get these books.

Start them early, as parents it’s our responsibility to grow our Children’s faith in Christ. It’s our vocation, don’t be under the impression that your kids are to young to understand the scriptures, you will be surprised! I was – in terms of the comprehension my little one had of the stories and doctrine/dogma of faith. So, go to Amazon and order these books. Raise them in the one true faith. Set a strong foundation in Christ and no schism or heresy can uproot them from their faith.

1. Catholic Prayer Book for Children by Julianne M. Will

2. Friendly Defender Catholic Flash Cards by Matthew Pinto (Even though these are for kids, but even adults can use them to defuse an argument).

3. Catholic Book of Bible Stories by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton

4. Beatitudes for Children by Rosemarie Gortler
5. The Mass Book for Children by Donna Piscitelli

6. New Catholic Picture Bible/No 435/22 by Nable (Hardcover) (Really Nice my daughter loves this Bible)

7. My First Catholic Bible for Catholic Children Who Want A Devotional Bible of Their Very Own! By Thomas Nelson (Hardcover)