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Monday, March 29, 2010

Infant Baptism

Born again Christians believe that Catholic Church errs in baptizing infants.

According to born again/Bible Christians only adults baptism should be administered. Once an adult under goes the "BORN AGAIN" experience and accepts Jesus as his/her personal savior and only at that time they should receive baptism.


Born again or Bible Christians do not consider baptism as a sacrament but recongize it as an ordinance. It doesn't symbolize "GRACE" it is merely a symbol, a public manifestation of the adult conversion. - (Karl Keating Catholicism & Fundamentalism)

According to Born again/Bible Christians infants and young are automatically saved no matter what - only person who has reached the age of REASON and have accepted Jesus can reach heaven.

CATHOLIC CHURCH understand baptism differently, first it is a sacrament, that accomplishes several things.

  1. Remission of both original sins and actual sins

  2. Original sins incurred by birth (Sin committed by Adam& Eve)

  3. Actual sin which infants don't have as they are incapable of comitting.

Clearly in the scripture its written about infant baptism

" Repent, Peter said to them, and be baptizeed, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ, to have your sins forgiven; then you will receive the gift of Holy Spirit"

- Note it states "Everyone of you" - which includes children, it doesn't say only be baptized if you're at the age of reson.

"This promise is for you and your CHILDREN, and for all those, however far away, whom the Lord our God calls to himself" (Bible verse - Act 2:38-39)

Also, another verse from the Holy Scriptures - "Rise up, and receive baptism, washing away your sins at the invocation of his name" (Bible verse - Act 22:16)


Christ's Law applies to infants and adults. "Jesus said that no one can enter heaven unless he has been born again of WATER and HOLY SPIRIT (Jn 3:5)

NO ONE - BORN AGAIN OF WATER - see the relationship.

His words can be taken to apply to anyone capable of having a right to the kingdom. He asserted such a right even for children: "Let the children be, do not keep them back from me; the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Bible verse - Matthew 19:14) - (Catholicism & Fundamentalism).

"Fundamentalist (Born again/Bible Christians) do not pay much attention to the historical situation. They defect appeals to history by saying baptism requires faith and children are incapable of having faith. Thus, no baptism of them" - (Karl Keating~C&F)

"Bible Christian's completely ignore infant baptism because they must perserve their concept of how salvation is obtained. They see salvation as coming not through an infusion of grace, which is the Catholic position, but through an acceptance of Jesus as one's personal Lord and Savior. Since only an adult can be saved in this way, they conclude baptism is wasted on infants and young children thus their opposition to the Catholic position" - (Karl Keating~C&F)

Hope this helps you understand why it's important to Catholic's and how sacred sacrament of infant baptism is to the one true Church- THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.


(Catholicism and Fundamentalism by Karl Keating~The Attack on Romanism by "Bible Christians" - publisher Ignatius press)