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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Have you been Saved?

Or in other words the question generally possed by born again Christians - Don't you wish you had assurance of Salvation?

Most born again Christians believe and conclude from the Bible that Christ actually promised that heaven is theirs in exchange for remarkably simple act.

All they have to do at just one point in their lives, is "Accept Christ as their personal savior". Then it is done. They may live exemplary lives thereafter, but living well is not crucial. It does not affect their Salvation.

No matter what happens later, no matter how evil they might live the remainder of their days, their Salvation is assured. But in no way can they undo their Salvation, because it has nothing at all to do with the intrinsic worth of their souls or with what Catholic term actual sins.

It comes down to Galatian 2:20. " The son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me". Christ is seen as one's personal saver, and that is why these words are a favorite with born again or Bible Christians.

FOR CATHOLIC, Salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. CHRIST has already redeemed us, unlocked the gates of heaven as it were (Note - that redemption is not the same as Salvation but is a necessary prelude)

Jesus did his part on the Cross, it our responsibililty to cooperate.

One can sober up Sunday morning, got to Church heed the altar call, announce to the congregation an acceptance of Jesus as personal Lord and Savior, and, so long as that is really believed all is well. Nothing can be done no sin can be committed, no matter how heinous, that will forfeit salvation.

The reason is that "accepting Jesus" has nothing to do with turning a spiritually dead soul into a soul into a soul alive with sanctifying grace. The soul remains the same. Accepting Christ accomplishes one thing and one thing only. It makes God cover one's sinfulness. It makes him turn blind eye to it. It is a thought he hides the soul under a cloak. It is not a real eradication of sin, but a covering or nonimputation. It is not an inner renewal and a real sanctification, only an external application of Christ's justice.

Catholic Church not surperisingly, understands justification differently. It sees it as a true eradication of sin and a true sanctification and renewal. The soul becomes objectively pleasing to GOD and so merits heaven.

So if asked are you SAVED? Answer as a true Catholic according to the teaching of the Holy Church. " I AM REDEEMED".

Do an examination of conscience, get to confession and ask for graces from our Lord that you may remove yourself from sin and work each day to fight off temptation of fresh.

Catholicism and Fundamentalis by Karl Keating.