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Thursday, March 25, 2010

EASTER : Is Easter about Bunnies, candies, or chocolate covered eggs?

As we live in this predominately secular and capitalistic world we are marketed by Candy companies about the true meaning of Easter. They advertise these sweet savory delights in a rather less threatening format such as Easter candies, Chocolate eggs and the fluffy bunnies.

Easter is not about colorful eggs or fluffy bunny, it about our Lord conquering over death; Dying on the cross and redeeming us from original and actual sin. I am not condemning Easter bunny or the eggs, actually I like the fluffy bunny myself and especially my daughter who by the way will participate in hunting for eggs on Easter or the spring bash my wife and sister-in-law are putting together for my daughter.

I would like to take this opportunity and say that Easter is also not a pagan holiday, if some of you were told or have come to believe. Let me explain, why it's not a pagan holiday. It's actually based on a Jewish feast, PASSOVER. Easter originated as the first Sunday following Passover, when Jesus was crucified. Easter is derived from Jewish word "Pesach or Passover". Hope that helps....

I was listening to Catholic Radio today and one of the program hosts mentioned about a survey that was recently conducted. On how many Catholic Christians as well as Bible Christian understand why Easter is celebrated. Well to my surprise and shock; only 37% of Catholic knew and 73% Christian. I would applaud the Bible Christians for having a high percentage.

Well, the reason for this lack of knowledge is our Catholic education. Catholics apparently do not take the time to teach or are rather afraid for some reason, to openly claim the resurrection of our Lord to their friends, family members and even to their children. I wouldn't blame them, with Americans becoming more liberal in their beliefs and views. Americans want to be more polite towards others and are not out to ruffle anyone's features with their political or religious views.

Which I consider myself being part of as well. I am as guilty as everyone else. But, as soon as I am done writing this blog I will sit with my four year daughter this evening and will explain on a G rated level about the true meaning of Easter.

My only concern is that, more and more Catholic Christians are losing the battle to secularism, liberalism and avoiding the true meaning of our faith. So, I pray my friends that our Lord will give you every opportunity that you can share the true meaning of this wonderful feast with your family, your children and your friends. God bless.