Another verse...
"[A]nd if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city which are described in this book" (Rev. 22:19)
Note: The author states "THIS BOOK" - Author is speaking about the book of Revelation, not the entire bible.
However, the blog relates to WHY CATHOLIC BIBLES ARE BIGGER?
Let me explain...
I agree with all my Christian brothers and sisters that no one has the right to add or subtract books from the bible.
Let me begin by saying that "The books that comprise Scripture were not canonized until centuries after CHRIST. Even when that list was established in A.D. 382, the writings were not collected into a single book until after the printing press came into existence". (Jason Evert - How to Defend the Deuterocanonicals~www.Catholic.com)
Protestants always argue that; the seven books (also known as deutercanoncials) were added by the Catholic in order to justify invention and that these books were added after the council of Trent in (1546). Well my friends that is a Myth.
Church decided upon a canon of 46 Old Testament books and 27 in the New Testament.
"Further, if Catholics added the seven books (also known as deutercanoncials) in 1546, then Martin Luther beats us to the punch: He included them in his first German translation, published the Council of Trent. They can also be found in the first King James Version (1611) and in the first Bible ever printed, the Guttenberg Bible (a century before Trent). In fact, these books were included in almost every Bible until the Edinburgh Committee of the British Foreign Bible Society excised them in 1825". (Jason Evert)
It is historically demonstrated that Catholics did not add the books - PROTESTANTS took them OUT.
Now the question is if the Protestant and Catholic Bibles was the same, then when did the Protestants remove the seven books (deutercanoncials), well that was exercised in 1825.
Now, someone may make this argument after reading this blog that there is no mention or nor does the New Testament make any reference to these books, so for that reason these were excluded and should not be read.
Actually, the New Testament does make reference to these seven books, the problem is that the New King James Version or the Protestant Bible not having the deutercanoncial books cannot relate to these references. Example
Hebrews 11:35 verse can be referenced in the Catholic Bible in the book of 2 Maccabees 7. There are many more verses that reference the seven books, but the problem as stated before is that Protestants cannot find them as their Bible has missing scriptures which are inspired books of the Bible.
I hope this clarifies some of the confusion, and for that reason the Catholic Bible are bigger and have all the inspired books.
(Jason Evert - How to Defend the Deuterocanonicals~www.Catholic.com – This Rock Magazine)