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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Worthy is the Lamb

Dear Friends in Christ, I write this new post with great humility and desire for the conversion of this world. I "Ocran" a sinner; a slave of Christ's love want for this world to adore and give homage to our LORD our GOD who was, is and will be forever. As the seven mighty spirits that stand in front of GOD the FATHER'S throne and the twenty-four elders that fall on their knees and bow in adoration to the Almighty. In the same manner we must fall down and give him homage, for he is our creator. It is right to give him thanks and praise. So, my dear brothers and sisters in CHRIST go to Church during weekdays (and remember Lord's day) whenever it's quite and there isn't a mass in progress. Fall on your knees in front of the Tabernacle, where Christ Jesus our LORD is present, waiting for you. When you look at the cross, imagine that you are kissing his feet, his knees, his side that bleed for your sin, his hands that were nailed to the cross, kiss his forehead that was crowned with piercing thrones. Do not forget his suffering; don't look at the empty cross, but look at the image of Christ on the cross which is a reminder to us all about his suffering, the difficult and struggled breathing, the burning, and the stinging of open wounds. Look to him and ask for his grace and pray that GOD the Father keeps you away from temptation and gives you strength to fight against the evils of this world.

Fall in front of our LORD, ask for blessings and thank him for the blessing that you have in your life. Go for confession, have the priest who is in persona Christi (in person of Christ) has authority from our LORD to forgive your sins (John 20:22-23), I know it is the hardest thing to do to face someone and tell them of your sins, the deepest, and the darkest and gravest/mortal sins (1 John 5:16-17). But, once professed and confessed, you will be renewed and refreshed in his Love. Ask the intercession of our Lady, as you ask your friends and relatives (here on earth) to pray for you to our GOD the Almighty. Ask the Mother of GOD, our Mother, the Mother of this World, the Mother who brought Salvation to this world in Greek her title Theotokos means literally - "God-bearer"(Matthew 1:18-25), (Matthew 2:10-11), (Luke 1:41-44) and (Gal 4:4).

Ask her for prayers, she is much closer to his son Christ Jesus in Heaven; then us who are here on earth. Ask the help of all the Saints, the twenty four elders, the seven spirits (Angels) to intercede on your behalf in prayers to the GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT. Any help you can get, take it, pursue it, be persistent, it's a better for your soul and your Salvation. Don't be denied by the once saved, always saved methodology. You can lose your salvation by merely having an unclean, impure thought about someone or something, keep the commandments to the fullest - Love your GOD with all your might, with all your being. Fall on your knees and give him homage, for he deserves the adoration. With each breath, give him praises for he has given you the breath of life. He has taken you out of the snares of evil, Satan has a bounty out on your soul, Jesus has given the ransom, the bail for you with his precious blood. Reject the evils of this world. Every night before going to bed, fall on your knees ask for forgiveness for your sins, go for confession regularly, do not play roulette with your soul, and don’t leave it for chance. One does not know his/her time, when you can be called by the Almighty. You don't want to be standing in his presence with a load of sins on your conscience, get purged, get cleaned use the sacraments given to you by Christ, use them they hold the Grace(s) which will strengthen your soul, your body. Go for communion (1 Cor 11:23-29), after confession, let Jesus come within you and nourish your soul, fall on your knees when you receive his body - because Worthy is the Lamb.

His body is sacred, do not touch it with your unclean hands, but let the priest deliver it to your tongue who is in persona Christi (in person of Christ). Do not chew his body, but let it dissolve within you. If you get a chance during the weekdays go and receive his body and blood, do it as often as you can. His body has a purpose; it's the bread of life (John 6:35-58). Eat it and be nourished it will help you fight temptation. If you fall, get up, dust yourself up. Head for confession, do not part take the body of Christ if you have even a blemish of mortal sin because Worthy is the Lamb for our reverence. Make him your GOD and he will deliver you from evil, renew your soul and give you eternal life. He is waiting for you, we are his children. If hardship and sufferings come, offer them up to the LORD, rejoice and be glad for he has found you worthy.

Praise be to the GOD Almighty - In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. GOD bless and have great thanksgiving my friends. Amen!