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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tradition (Part 3)

Tradition (Part 3), verses you can find in the Bible that talk about Tradition.

Now, you must realize that the Holy Bible mainly the New Testament was not handled to us by Jesus Christ it came to exist many centuries later. Earlier doctrine, belief and faith was dispensed off verbally and by Tradition. What the Apostles where taught by Christ and how the Apostles taught their successors about the faith and Tradition.

Mark 7:1-13
Matthew 15:1-9 (Ungodly Traditions condemned)
Luke 1:1-4 (Oral Traditions come before New Testament Scriptures)
Mark 16:15
John 20:30-31
John 21:25
I Cor 11:2
1Cor 11-23
1 Cor 15:1-2
1 Thess 2:13
2 Thess 3:6
2 Tim 1:13
2 Tim 2:2
1 Pet 1:25
2 Pet 1:20-21
2 John 12
3 John 13

Hope this helps you strengthen your faith in Christ. All reference taken from "A pocket Guide to Catholic Apologetics" by Patrick Madrid.

Also, if you want to learn more about Apologetics (Defense of the Catholic Faith). Pick up books from renowned authors such as Patrick Madrid his books, Tim Staples - Why be Catholic one of the titles of his books, Father of Apologetics - Mr Karl Keating. I am finishing a book from Mike Aquilina his book "The Fathers of the Church". Also, visit and for articles, radio, media, TV shows etc.

May God Bless you all and his light shine upon you and your family till the end.