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Monday, April 19, 2010

Theology of the Body

Happy Monday friends, hope you had a wonderful weekend and a blessed Lords Day. Today, I wanted to talk about theology of our bodies and sex respect. What is the purpose of these bodies that are given to us on birth? Are these mere containers of our souls as most people suggest? What is the responsibility tied to these bodies?

Well, my friends these bodies are a gift from GOD. A temple of GOD and Holy Spirit. We must take care of them while on earth. Let's give respect to our bodies, as well as the bodies of others. Keep in mind, that after our death these bodies will be preserved by your loved one's according to the Christian practice (burial) for Christ's coming. Upon that day as we rise from our sleep we will be united again with our souls in our glorified bodies.

So, my friends when you look at yourself in the mirror keep this in mind that the only difference upon our union with Jesus is that your bodies will change in all its glory, but the reminisces of your existing body will remain.

My brothers and sisters in Christ. Take care of your bodies, do not augment them, do not plaster them with Tattoos, piercing. These bodies were created for you to keep, given to you by GOD. As stated before these are no merely containers of soul for this world, but for a place for the Holy Spirit to reside. We must not use our bodies as objects as our society views them, as these bodies are used for commercial purposes of selling underwear's, beer, designer jeans and body deodorants etc.

It is sad that from an early age such as two years of age; our media starts to program and manipulate our children's conscience, mind with colorful images. Media creating cartoons that might look harmless at a glance, but pertain philosophy of this world. Our teenagers are bombarded with on how they must look, react, dress, to be accepted amongst their peers. And what must teenage girls do to attract boys, truly is that what our bodies were made for? Or were these made to glorify GOD? As our teenagers are influenced by their modern day role models such as Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Brittany spears and icons of this world. There souls are losing true essence and main purpose of their existence.

Our young men being captured by pornography, there brain waves literally being altered by images that influence their views as to how they perceive women. They are being taught to use women as object of self enjoyment. These images do detrimental damages in the long run. They become addicted on viewing the act of sex and may get carried away in viewing disturbing sexual acts and get into vulgar fetishes. Even to the point that most of them might require psychological help in the future to be freed from the addiction and captivity of pornography. I am also including a few resources that parents of children and adults who are addicted to pornography can use - check out Fr. John Molvie's site and also check out for further assistance. Hope this helps.

Freedom of expression has lead us to the degradation of our society. With liberal views of the marital act before marriage, the astounding increase in teen pregnancy, increase in sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual union by our youngster is viewed very ordinary and is not given any special regards as an act that should be practiced within the marital bond.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, fathers, mothers in Christ it's up to us to become role models in our kids lives, it's not to late we can still protect our children from these worldly liberal views and teach them to respect their bodies and the bodies of others. Be aware of what they watch on television, who they associate with and by whom are they being influenced. Talk to them much earlier and often about how should they view their bodies.

My friends we live in the Jerry Springer world. Let's get hold of our families, teach ourselves and our children to respect the temple of GOD.