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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Islam - A Guide for Catholics 100 Q & A

This blog is written straight from a book that I have started reading "Inside Islam - A guide for Catholics" There are a total of 100 questions and answers. Book was authored by Daniel Ali a convert to Catholicism from Islam in 1998 and by Robert Spencer who has authored two pervious books on Islam.

So, here we go. Please keep in mind I am taking this straight from the book. No, changes are being added, nor am I giving an narrative or my opinion on the subject. No, offense to my Muslim Brothers and Sisters, friends, colleagues and family. These questions will be selected based on the content, which will the audience a general idea about Islam, it origin and its present state and how Catholic and Christians can understand the faith of our Muslims brothers and answer them if asked about Christian faith, in retrospect of tradition and belief.

I will try to my best to add as many questions and answers per blog, provided there are 100 questions and out which I will need to select them based on the content, that is not offensive to any of the blog reading audience.

Questions 1:

What is Islam?
Islam is the religion of more than a billion people on earth – a far cry from its humble and obscure beginnings in seventh-century Arabia. Islam is the dominant faith in over fifty countries stretching from Morocco to Indonesia. It is generally classified as one of the three great monotheistic religions along with Judaism and Christianity, and it contains numerous ties to Judeo-Christian tradition. Muslims worship one GOD, Allah, and they revere the man they consider to have been His last and greatest prophet, Muhammad, seventh-century Arabian.

Also, this is my request to my blog readers to please refrain from making any derogatory comments about the Islamic faith. This is just a general knowledge sharing blog about the faith(s).


Inside Islam “A guide for Catholics” – 100 Questions and Answers – Authored by Daniel Ali and Robert Spencer. Ascension Press, West Chester, Pennsylvania.
West Chester, Pennsylvania.