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Friday, October 1, 2010

What is the purpose of us being on earth?

Dear Friends in Christ - The answer to our purpose in life or in other words the true purpose of mankind's existences is to learn to "LOVE" the creator with all our heart and mind.
GOD'S ultimate plan for mankind is similar to a potter who molds clay and forms it's shape into a vessel. That molded clay vessel starts of wet and then is baked at high intensity of heat and becomes solid, though it may have slight imperfection but becomes the potters delight and he shows off his creation to the world. In the similar fashion our Father in Heaven expects from us to become hard as a baked clay in his love for him.

We cannot take his LOVE for granted. Adam and Eve who he loved and made them in his own image; sinned and there disobedience to GOD created an imbalance in GOD's plan. GOD wants perfection from us, he wants to be loved as he love us. As our first parents took and ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. We his creation must avoid and learn from our parents mistake that we do not take part and eat the fruit of disobedience this world offers in the form of lust, adultery, murder, thief, fornication, disobedience to our earthly parents and the list goes on.
We must forgo of the temptations of this world and become strong in our love for GOD. Satan, the fallen Angel who was a murder and a liar from the beginning wants for you to become of this world, he tempts you at every corner and wants total submission to him.

But, my Friends we must think twice and listen to our conscience when tempted; that "DO WE LOVE GOD". For example think of the person that you love the most in this world maybe your wife, your child or parents and you do not want to hurt them by doing wrong towards them. In the similar fashion when you sin you hurt the creator who with his Love created and made you for his delight.

Jesus asks you as he asked Peter three times "Do you love me", Do you love me - Do you love me - Peter. So, my brothers and sisters in Christ. LOVE GOD the Almight with all your heart your soul and your mind. Our Father is asking us "DO WE LOVE HIM" and the answer should be YES - YES and YES!!!.

Amen, be blessed in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. May your love burn for the Almighty forever and ever. AMEN.