How would you define the human species? Are humans all good by nature; Evil or completely misunderstood? That is the questions. This article I wrote is solely based on my opinion, my experiences, my struggles to understand the human race and bares no ill harm against any one person, gender, group(s) based on their belief, race, back ground, culture and personality.
Humans in general can be described as kind, good willed, good natured or are they? Deceitful, manipulative and pure evil. Majority of humans if they were to evaluate themselves based on their conscience, and if asked what type of person they are? Would say they are kind, harmless are good natured and open to helping others. However, on the flip side of the spectrum, there are quite a few people who either understand themselves better or have grown to learn more about themselves would describe themselves as people who are riddled with secrets, deception, and have the ability to manipulate others for self betterment and some go to the extent of pure evil, malice towards their own kind.
Humans in general can be described as kind, good willed, good natured or are they? Deceitful, manipulative and pure evil. Majority of humans if they were to evaluate themselves based on their conscience, and if asked what type of person they are? Would say they are kind, harmless are good natured and open to helping others. However, on the flip side of the spectrum, there are quite a few people who either understand themselves better or have grown to learn more about themselves would describe themselves as people who are riddled with secrets, deception, and have the ability to manipulate others for self betterment and some go to the extent of pure evil, malice towards their own kind.
Now, do understand no one will come out and announce they have pure evil intent against mankind, but secretly in the deepest darkest corners of their heart know what evil they contain in themselves from a serial murder to Corporate officer that embezzles, Wall Street executive with a ponzi scheme, cheating spouse, a worker who in their work ethics might be very decietful.
Let's take this a bit further: Can one derive to the conclusion as to which gender might be more prone to more deceit, or can initiate deception, act in malice and could easily cheat? In his case, both sexes display equal attributes towards kindness, loyalty and can have great malice, can be vindictive and deceitful. In other words, we are born with both trails of good and evil, our environment plays a major role and our surrounding, and past, present situations encourage the action.
For example, let’s date back to our first parents, because of their regression man kind fell into peril. Now, who should we blame the woman or the man who committed the fall. Both are equal contributors to the act, but one had an upper hand or can be called the instigator. As a married, man I am not blaming the woman for the act of deceit, we know it all stemmed from the dark Lord “Satan”. But, the question is who sinned first the woman or the man. Who ate the Apple first, we clearly know from the Biblical text it was the woman. If so, then her eyes were open to sin first and had committed "the first act of sin" and offered the man to become part of the act as well, now we know it wasn’t the act of intercourse, that most scholars suggest. Because GOD made woman and man to share their life, love and wanted them to consummate their marriage. So it cannot be sex or the act of intercourse. It had to be the forbidden fruit, which is usually portrayed as an “Apple”.
However, if we examine the above listed scenario, we can easily pickup traces of manipulation. Male gender with ease can be manipulated, not to say Male gender cannot manipulate as well, as I stated before both sexes have the attributes and with free will; display and can act towards good and evil. Not, to be bias to my gender - Woman can easily manipulate us with their charm, sex appeal and beauty, just look back in history kings and kingdoms have been destroyed behind a woman for a woman and by a woman.
Let's take this a bit further: Can one derive to the conclusion as to which gender might be more prone to more deceit, or can initiate deception, act in malice and could easily cheat? In his case, both sexes display equal attributes towards kindness, loyalty and can have great malice, can be vindictive and deceitful. In other words, we are born with both trails of good and evil, our environment plays a major role and our surrounding, and past, present situations encourage the action.
For example, let’s date back to our first parents, because of their regression man kind fell into peril. Now, who should we blame the woman or the man who committed the fall. Both are equal contributors to the act, but one had an upper hand or can be called the instigator. As a married, man I am not blaming the woman for the act of deceit, we know it all stemmed from the dark Lord “Satan”. But, the question is who sinned first the woman or the man. Who ate the Apple first, we clearly know from the Biblical text it was the woman. If so, then her eyes were open to sin first and had committed "the first act of sin" and offered the man to become part of the act as well, now we know it wasn’t the act of intercourse, that most scholars suggest. Because GOD made woman and man to share their life, love and wanted them to consummate their marriage. So it cannot be sex or the act of intercourse. It had to be the forbidden fruit, which is usually portrayed as an “Apple”.
However, if we examine the above listed scenario, we can easily pickup traces of manipulation. Male gender with ease can be manipulated, not to say Male gender cannot manipulate as well, as I stated before both sexes have the attributes and with free will; display and can act towards good and evil. Not, to be bias to my gender - Woman can easily manipulate us with their charm, sex appeal and beauty, just look back in history kings and kingdoms have been destroyed behind a woman for a woman and by a woman.
Than, one can argue males have destroyed nations and annulated race because of evil, hatred. So, the balance swings both ways no one gender can contest to sainthood, sorry boys and girls score is 1 for 1. Thanks for reading, unfortunately human race is as complex species and a piece of work.